Saturday, December 31, 2005


This is your life. Are you who you want to be?

This is my life. Am I who I want to be? Who I'm called to be?

This is a glimpse into me. I am what I am because of what Christ has made me:
1. A person saved by Jesus Christ.
2. A woman, a daughter, a friend, a child, a foreigner.
3. A country music fan (try not to cringe). :)
4. A passionate laugher, and crier, and warrior.
5. A feminine girly girl. A tough fighter.
6. A nerd.

I wouldn't be any of it if it weren't for number 1.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Grace or Self-righteousness?

I have been reading a lot lately about what it means to walk in the Spirit of God, to walk in the grace of Jesus rather than attempting to earn my own forgiveness.

By nature of how God ordained this world, I cannot earn his love, his grace, or his mercy. As such, I cannot earn salvation because I cannot earn his forgiveness. Of course, most Christians know mentally that we cannot convince God that we are good enough to be saved, that we have done enough "penitence" to be forgiven. But in actions and thoughts, at least for me, I often cannot except God's forgiveness and grace for my sins until I have felt guilty for long enough. Ironic, isn't it?

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so that no one can boast." Ephesians 2.8

My attitude of feeling guilty and of wallowing in my own sinfulness does not express faith in Christ. Faith in Christ consists of acceptance of his grace without question. His forgiveness is immediate when we have a genuine heart of repentance. Self-righteousness does not mean faith, it means an attitude of trying to earn righteousness on my own.

" accepting God's love for us, we fall in love with Him, and only then do we have the fuel we need to obey." ~Donald Miller, Blue Like Jazz

Monday, December 26, 2005

Tolerance, how far should it go?

In today's American culture, the key term that one should use in order to fit into the norms of society is "toleration." Tolerate all religions, all beliefs, all actions, all ideas. Is this okay? Is this healthy? What does it mean to tolerate, and what does it mean to stand up for what you believe in?

As a Christian, I am typically immediately stereotyped as a zealout, an extremist, a person who does not tolerate. Since I believe that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life, that means that I do not believe that Buddhism or Hinduism or atheism are correct. However, that also doesn't mean that I do not care about those people who do believe differently than myself. In fact, if I did not care for and love everybody, I probably have no right to call myself a Christian (oops, did I step on any toes there?).

Just because we tolerate does not mean that we have to adapt all of those ideas that we tolerate. I do not tolerate many things BECAUSE of what I believe. Does that make me wrong? Does that make others wrong?

I think I understand why some of the Middle Eastern countries have attempted to ban Western influence/thought in their own countries. Because when we come to tolerate everything, then nothing means anything. I think tolerate is the wrong word. We should love everybody, not tolerate everything.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everybody! And it is a time to be merry, isn't it?

This morning my family woke up early (about 8:30) and unwrapped gifts. It was so much fun unwrapping gifts and watching my brothers and parents unwrap their gifts, but as I sat back and watched my brothers open all their manly "toys," I was again reminded that Wow, we have so much. We have a house and cars (a plethora). We have food and hot water and warm clothes. Plus, we have a bunch of stuff that we don't necessarily need. It's all good still, all of it. But none of it would matter if each of us in the family wasn't alive to enjoy it, to use it, to give it meaning.

I am alive with the joy of Christ this Christmas. Praise God. Merry Christmas. I can't stop saying it, and I won't stop either! :) If Jesus wasn't alive, I wouldn't be able to live life, to enjoy it, or use it, and it would have little meaning.

Jesus was born this day. And He lives evermore.

Friday, December 23, 2005

You have set me on fire

You have set me on fire;
I am burning alive.
With Your breath in my lungs
I am coming undone.
~David Crowder Band

Even as I read these words, I am compelled to think of the power residing in them. As I was driving in my car today, blasting the song that these words go to, I experienced the bone-chilling knowledge that He burns in me. His fire, His passion, His love. I don't always walk in it, but today I remember that He still burns in me. He lives and breathes in me. It reminds me of a verse that I think Paul writes when he speaks about how he simply can't NOT share the truth of Christ because, I believe, it burns too deeply in him that it naturally leaps out in flames from his tongue.

I often forget that God is powerful. We are empowered to be warriors who burn with passion and with truth. Whoo. That seriously turns something on inside of me. It resonates right with me. It gives me a smoldering desire to walk in His fire.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Intelligent Design...

So, it has been ruled as a violation of the Constitution for a teacher to even mention a theory that suggests divine creation in a public school. It is a violation of the separation of church and state.

Why is it a violation, exactly? Is it because the term "divine" connotes God, the supernatural, a Being outside of humanity? I don't know that I agree that it is a violation of the Constitution. I was raised in a public school, and I think, as of right now, that I will one day want my kids to attend public schools too. I remember learning about evolution in biology, which is fine. I want to learn about it. The same as I want to learn about other theories of creation too...all the theories. So why is this theory of "Intelligent Design" discredited as even being mentionable due to the mere fact that it is a belief? Evolution is a belief. Darwinism is a belief. Divine creation is a belief.

It comes down to definition. Belief is another way of saying "religion" if we include any aspect of what could be seen as God.

The question is then: Is "Intelligent Design" as a theory really a violation of the Constitution? Note that I italicized "as a theory"--that is key.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


They say to watch out for fire. Fire burns, it rages wildly, it has a life of its own. Embers smolder, they breath on oxygen, they burn hotter than the flame.

"Love is friendship on fire,"~someone once said.

I would say that perhaps true love is friendship in the heat of the embers, whereas being "in love" is friendship in the heat of the flame. Embers sound better than the flames.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I like Salsa

I made salsa today, and it tastes delicious. I'm not bragging, I just followed the recipe and it worked. It was as easy as that. Why it is wierd though is that I typically don't like cooking (though yes, I know, making salsa is not exactly cooking). The more I do it, the more I like it--it's fun to cook for people. I have learned that cooking is fun from a few of my friends: Julie, Tania (and Tania's mom), and Iron Chef (not really my friend).

My dad is a good baker and cook--I want to learn some of his recipes some day.

The funny thing about salsa, though, is that I don't just like to eat salsa, I like to salsa. The salsa is perhaps my favorite dance, though I need more lessons! :) And a partner too. All in good timing. Eating salsa and dancing salsa--what could be better?

Here's the recipe for some amazing salsa:
Dice up 5 roma tomatos
Dice up about 1/4 of a large yellow onion
Dice up about 1/2 a mass of celantro
Add it all together and mix.
Add about a nickel's worth of salt and a fair covering of ground pepper.
Add 3 cans of Marca El Pato Salsa de Chile Fresco sauce.
Mix and chill.
Serve with your favorite dipping chips! Mmm...delicious!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Redeeming Love

Yes, I know, I feel like I've been on a long kick of learning about love, about God's love and Godly love. So I guess I have to keep writing about what I'm learning.

I just finished reading Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers last night, and a quote stuck out to me that blew me away. She writes, "Love the Lord your God, and love one another. Love one another as he loves. Love with strength and purpose and passion and no matter what comes against you. Don't weaken. Stand against the darkness, and love. That's the way back into Eden. That's the way back to life."

It is also one of the hardest things to do. Sometimes when writing about love it is easy to feel bitter and to think of reality, the reality of our experiences. Reality says that love is too hard, it hurts, it makes us vulnerable only to be abused and/or used. I think that, for the most part, that is true. I mean, look at Christ.

But it is only such love that redeems our lives and gives us hope. It really is, isn't it? I cannot close my heart to love because to close my heart would be to turn to stone. I would rather have a melted or broken heart that not to have one at all. I am thankful for the One whose love never fails me.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Cheesy Blog

Okay, so I have two days left to see one of my closest friends before she embarks on a new journey to Washington D.C. I don't think I can handle not seeing her--only by the grace of God and because I know she'll be having an amazing time. It's hard to say good-bye, a bientot, au revoir, or any other form of "see you later" when you know it's going to be a while.

I don't like good-bye, but I prefer "see you later," or "see you soon," because one way or another, I will see you. It's hard to depart when you love somebody, but the reunion is worth it. God be with all those friends, families, and loved ones from whom we are ever separated.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Speak and Act

"Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!" James 2.12

I am reminded today of the power of mercy and grace. Without God's grace and mercy in my life, I would (or should) be cremated into non-existence because I am undeserving of life. Without the grace and mercy of family and friends in my life, I would have neither, because if grace and mercy were never extended, we would all of us lead horribly unfulfilling lives. Without the grace and mercy that I extend to myself, I would never be able to live in the now.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

What is Christmas all about anyways?

Christmas. It's a holiday that most people love for the reasons that we get gifts, can give gifts, spend time with family and friends, and get some time off of work and/or school. I like Christmas for all of those reasons too! I love walking through malls all decorated in white lights and snowflakes, watching people holding hands and enjoying life, seeing children's eyes glitter in joy at the lights and presents, and eating delicious meals with family. Christmas gives us the time to remember what life is about: people (be those people family, friends, or strangers).

Christmas. It's a holiday that I used to love for only the reasons stated above. But 5 years ago as of this past November I learned that I need help, I need saving. A month later, I celebrated the first Christmas that meant something more than family and friends to me, it meant redemption, it meant hope, it meant Jesus.

Jesus, the Savior. Emmanuel, meaning "God with us." Prince of Peace. The Light of the world.

I celebrate Christmas now for the original reason why it became a holiday--not only to love family and friends, but to acknowledge that the world needs saving, and that Jesus came in power to save it.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Feminism...a Re-defining

Quite often as of late I have gotten into great conversations with people about feminism. Especially in Christian circles, feminism is often viewed as the extremist, man-hating, pro-homosexual woman who won't and/or can't figure out what it means to be female, to be feminine, so she essentially strips both women and men of either's gender traits and tries to either make all men evil or ignore all men. I want to set the record straight for all of the past women and men alike who have fought for the rights and human equality of women. Such extremism is not feminism, it is called womanism. "Womanism," to me, is simply another cover-up for women to oppress men. Womanism is wrong because it calls for such an extreme belief to the point that love is no longer valued, really, is no longer an option.

I am a feminist in the sense as I define as follows. Feminism in the true sense of the word believes that women have souls and can be saved. It believes that women should have the same availability for opportunity as men, but it does not ask that standards must change. For example, if a woman wants a job position that requires brute strength, and she does not reach that standard, then she should not get the job. I am not saying that a woman should get whatever job she wants, but she should at least have the freedom to try. Feminism says that women should have an equal right to vote and should be protected by the same laws and principles by which men are protected. The terrorism in the Middle East that oppresses women does not protect its women, it enslaves and dominates them.

In my definition of feminism, I realize that some women and men are highly uncomfortable with the word "feminism," especially, as I already commented, in the Christian church. I do believe that God has created man and woman to love and submit to one another. I will submit out of love and trust and respect for my husband one day, and I believe that he will in turn do the same for me. Today in society, I believe that due to feminism that has gotten out of hand and turned into womanism, that not only are women confused as to their identities, but so too are men. I am not being all-inclusive in my statement, but in general, the natural roles that God has created in men and women have been challenged to such a degree that what is natural (and I am not saying that oppression and subservience are natural) has been deemed unnatural. Masculinity and femininity are often seen as "violence" and "promiscuity," respectively. Neither is true. How can we get back to what it means to be masculine and feminine? I believe we must examine in humility the truth of Scripture.

You see, submission (a word that we all have a problem with because we are all prideful) is what we are all called to do--to submit to one another out of love and reverence. Am I wrong? If I am, I pray that the Lord correct and teach me. If not, I pray that he give others the ability to live in love, putting others first. Help me to do so too, o Lord. It is never easy.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Today I learned

I learn new things each day. Today I have learned a few things that have made me think. Here's a few of the thoughts/teachings of my day so far:

1. I don't know how to love very well.
2. The name of Jesus is powerful and offensive, yet brings true hope.
3. Life means living and taking chances, even if those chances are scary, and too often I don't live those chances. I want to.
4. Loving means putting the other before oneself. Always, unquestionably, unconditionally.

And that's all for now. I'm sure I'll learn more things later. Hmm...maybe this whole blogging thing will work out. I'm still trying to figure out.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

My first Blog...

So what's a blog? And will anybody even read mine? Hehe. I have no idea. But I have realized that I have officially given in to the Blog world, and I never thought I would.

Why have I done it? Honestly, two reasons. First, I have learned things about people that I never would have known otherwise (which, granted, blogging isn't the best way to truly get to know somebody). Second, because I love to write, and so this may help my journaling process. Forgive me if ever I am long-winded. :)

For all my friends, help me figure this thing out? I feel like a 6-year-old learning to ride a bike, a kid who can only turn to the right, not the left! Okay, so here goes nothing.