You have set me on fire
You have set me on fire;
I am burning alive.
With Your breath in my lungs
I am coming undone.
~David Crowder Band
Even as I read these words, I am compelled to think of the power residing in them. As I was driving in my car today, blasting the song that these words go to, I experienced the bone-chilling knowledge that He burns in me. His fire, His passion, His love. I don't always walk in it, but today I remember that He still burns in me. He lives and breathes in me. It reminds me of a verse that I think Paul writes when he speaks about how he simply can't NOT share the truth of Christ because, I believe, it burns too deeply in him that it naturally leaps out in flames from his tongue.
I often forget that God is powerful. We are empowered to be warriors who burn with passion and with truth. Whoo. That seriously turns something on inside of me. It resonates right with me. It gives me a smoldering desire to walk in His fire.
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