Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Another miraculous cooking feat

I'm serious. I think that some of the best tasting combinations have been discovered by process of error or mistake.

Because I recently just discovered a most incredible combination of flavors. Now before you read the combination, please tell me that you'll try it sometime. It really is delicious. I'm not even joking.

Chicken nuggets dipped in cinnamon applesauce, ranch, and ketchup.

With milk (to wash it all down).

And you know how I stumbled upon this amazing combo? Well, I initially prearranged my plate for the arrival of the chicken nuggets straight from the oven. My ketchup and ranch oozed into two neat little piles, the edges just merging, while my cinnamon applesauce remained a safe distance from the other two so as not to mingle. My little fork slapped the nuggets on the plate, and quickly got careless; one of the stray nuggets fell into the cinnamon applesauce. I gasped. Shoot. Alas, I sat down and decided to eat the little booger first. I picked it up, examined the side doused in the applesauce, dipped it into the ranch/ketchup mix AND....dundundun....yummy. So I endeavored to eat the remaining nuggets in the same fashion.

You should try it.

I am a pro cook. My children will one day be blessed by my mad cooking skills. (Don't even think about snickering here...)


Monday, March 19, 2007

I did it!!!

It's a small victory, but sometimes life consists of small victories rather than the one-per-millenia (did I spell that right?) big ones.

I have been attempting, for the last several months, to cook an egg.

Yes, it's true. Cook an egg. And I have succeeded every time (I hope you weren't holding your breath to read that I DIDN'T successful cook an egg). However, not until tonight did I finally reign victorious over the grand endeavor to fry my egg WITHOUT frying or breaking my yolk in the meantime. But tonight was a new night. And I didn't even know it. Yet here I am, sitting at my table, listening to Keith Urban on the 2nd CD my roomie made for Powwow for Christmas, and my yolk is runny WHEN I WANT IT TO BE--in my sandwich. It's delicious. I'm proud. And hungry, so I'm going to stop writing about it, and finish eating it.

Just wanted to share.

Told you: small victories.

Also: Yes, I did repeatedly listen to Usher's "Yeah"--and I did dance in my kitchen.


Thursday, March 08, 2007

I'm addicted...

Yes, I have to admit something.

I'm addicted.

To what? you might ask?

Well...have you ever been to Wal-mart, and when you walked in you saw the aisles of holiday cookies somewhere near the front, usually along a wall? If you pay attention, you will find white holiday sugar cookies, decorated with frosting of some color that best matches the nearest holiday. Last month, the cookies were decorated white and pink with sprinkles (for Valentine's Day). This month, they're decorated white and green with sprinkles (for St. Patty's day). They cost $2.50 for a box of 12. FYI.

And these cookies are delicious. *sigh* You have discovered my weakness. One of many.

But my weaknesses usually involve one of several possibilities:

1. Food
2. Nature
3. Romance
4. Literature

By "weakness," I mean: that which makes me weak in resistance. Good food: I'm there. Beautiful scenery: Don't make me leave! Sweet romance: I should probably run away (for now). ;) Brilliant writing: I'm up all night.

So there you have it. Four little insights into me.


Sunday, March 04, 2007

You know you're in Brush when...

Two things happen:

1. You walk down the street and see a sign posted saying, "If your dawg's a poopin', you better be a scoopin'!"


2. You walk down the street and a group of boys are playing on a mound of mud while whooping "Yee-haw," and it's a really good "Yee-haw."
