Monday, March 19, 2007

I did it!!!

It's a small victory, but sometimes life consists of small victories rather than the one-per-millenia (did I spell that right?) big ones.

I have been attempting, for the last several months, to cook an egg.

Yes, it's true. Cook an egg. And I have succeeded every time (I hope you weren't holding your breath to read that I DIDN'T successful cook an egg). However, not until tonight did I finally reign victorious over the grand endeavor to fry my egg WITHOUT frying or breaking my yolk in the meantime. But tonight was a new night. And I didn't even know it. Yet here I am, sitting at my table, listening to Keith Urban on the 2nd CD my roomie made for Powwow for Christmas, and my yolk is runny WHEN I WANT IT TO BE--in my sandwich. It's delicious. I'm proud. And hungry, so I'm going to stop writing about it, and finish eating it.

Just wanted to share.

Told you: small victories.

Also: Yes, I did repeatedly listen to Usher's "Yeah"--and I did dance in my kitchen.



Blogger Dulcinator said...

um, super exciting, my friend! good for you. you have overcome los huevos! i bet that feels good...kinda like dancing to usher in your kitchen...but it's better to dance in your underwear to usher. DO IT! :)

you know what i was just thinking as i was spacing out in between paperwork at my internship? i love it when you are sheepish about something and you get that cute little smile and then it bursts into laughter cause you cant contain yourself and your eyes are all shifty but then full of laughter. LOVE IT!

hurray! i am so happy you were listening to the Powwow CD. i was listening to keith today and thinking of country dancing with you...ahhh, let's make that happen within the next few months, ok? we gotta. i love you. i will call you.

6:06 PM  
Blogger Prince Phillip said...

Ahhh. You are learning to cook. A good thing. Speaking from my 22 (almost 23) years of sage experience. Keep up the work; maybe someday you'll be an even more superb cook.

10:01 PM  

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