Friday, August 11, 2006

How I know that Christianity is true

As I was falling asleep last night, thanking the Lord for another day and praying that He might somehow use me, His vessel, tomorrow, a thought struck my mind--perhaps one of the most profound thoughts I have had in quite a while. And it was one of the strongest reasons why I could confidently tell somebody, since I believe without seeing (by faith), that Christianity is true. A lot of people think that religious people want to believe in a god/gods in order to make themselves feel better. They want to believe it's true, that God is real, so they say that it is and live believing so in order to bring comfort to themselves.

Well, I'm telling you that if this were the case, I would NEVER be a Christian. If I wanted to choose a religion just on the merit of wanting to believe in a "higher power" who will bring me comfort in my times of would not be Christianity. And do you want to know why it wouldn't be Christianity? Because if I was choosing a religion based simply on emotion, I would not choose Christianity for the reason that I would never DESIRE a religion (based strictly on feeling) which professed that some people will die and go to hell if they didn't know the One person who brings salvation. If I chose a religion based on my feelings, I would make up my own, a religion that said all people can go to heaven.

I didn't become a Christian because it made me feel better. I chose to become a Christian because I hold one thing higher above all other "virtues," if you will. Truth. And for that reason alone, because I choose to believe in the truth no matter how I feel, is why I became a Christian. I believe that Jesus IS the way, the TRUTH, and the life. And because "God [Himself] desires that none should perish but that all should come to repentance."

However, it does not just end there, with a "head knowledge" of the truth of Christianity. Instead, because God is good, is holy, is loving, being a Christian does "make me feel better" BECAUSE I have been saved by the One and only One who can save me from my sins, and who can save the world. Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. And because He is God of true hope.

I don't believe in a god because it makes me feel better. I believe in God and in His Son, Jesus Christ, because He is true. He is real. He is.


Blogger Dulcinator said...

beautifully said. it could not be more accurate. i still wonder why i believe in and follow a faith that allows some to go to hell, but, then when i am reminded of the Truth, like you, all else is in vain. the Truth and the Word of the Lord are what pierces the darkness, are what soften hearts, are what bring people to a life of hope, love, peace, and forgiveness.

5:13 PM  

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