Monday, January 23, 2006

The Big Bang...or not

To the right is the horsehead nebula. It blows me away.

It just goes to show that God is not just powerful, but He is creative too.

The Big Bang theory? From just a blah of matter, an explosion, and then random creation into a horsehead nebula? What do you think about creation? I believe that God created all things, to put it simply. If the Big Bang theory is right, then where did the blah of matter come from, if not from God? And how in the world did forms and matter evolve into complex beings and substances without a divine hand involved?

Also, randomly, it is very interesting that Plato, though he lived pre-Christ, writes of many very Christian ideas. I just found out today after reading some of Plato's Gorgias for class, that Plato upheld strong morals and beliefs about humanity. Very interesting. I wonder what he would think about the Big Bang theory.


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