Monday, January 16, 2006

Growing Up...

It's happening. And it's kind of wierd. Good, but wierd. First comes graduation from college, then career, then marriage, then family, then ..., and life goes on, God-willing. It's all a cycle, and it's fun to be coming into the cycle. But I miss those friends already gone, and I will miss those friends who are still here but won't always be.
Here, I want to write to those friends who I know actually read my blog, so if I don't write to you, it's because I don't think you read my blog. :) Of course, everything I say here is said much better in person, but I still mean it all. It's nice to read things too.

Dad (I don't know if you'll read this...)--what can I say? You are a great father, provider, and listener. I will always be your baby girl, and I love that. I'm so thankful that I can talk to you.

Mom (I don't know if you'll read this...)--you are the most beautiful, strong woman I know, and will ever know. My view of you will never change. You are a superhero to me, and you always have been.

Tania--how I love thee. Roommate and BF forever. D.C. is big and scary, but God is bigger and scarier (in a good way). Can't wait to see you in a couple of months. You are one of a kind, Tan. Your heart and passion for God and for changing this world...let it fuel you.

Dulc--you are and always will be a sister of my heart. I see you and I see such beauty, truly. Wow, yeah. My heart can't express.

KStar--I don't know what to say other than that you are so worth it. You are wild and untameable, and yet still so feminine. I love how you love God, love your family, and love your friends.

Jules--if I ever could have a big sister, it would be you. And yet you are so young at heart! :) Seriously, your wisdom hits me in the heart and makes me strive to be a better woman. You are goofy and lovely.

Christy--I don't think I've ever looked up to someone so much as you, and you don't even know it.

J-You are good for me, and for so many who know you. I don't even think you know it fully yet, but I see strength in you and I believe that your calling from the Lord is one of love, of power, and of self-giving.

Well...I have so much to say about everybody, and I hope nobody minds if this is a "personal" blog, if that's even possible. But hey, I felt like writing, okay!? :) Want to hear it in person? Just ask! :)


Blogger Prince Phillip said...

Right back at you. You have wisdom that gently bashes foolishness. The weapons you have been equipped with are powerful, Ash. Being around you is like hanging out with a magnet.

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can always make tears pool up in my eyes when you use words because you speak from your heart and do it elloquently. that's one thing i love about you. you are real. the world doesnt have room for any more fake people and you remind me of that when you speak truth and life...and when you make funny noises with me! sister of my heart, always and for all of eternity. no one shall truly understand like you, ashley; i've given up hoping that any one will. we are both two crazy goons, you and me. my friend, my warrior for christ and people, my running buddy, sister of my heart...i have no words to adequately describe.

8:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sometimes I feel like there are just no words to let you know how much you mean to me! I love the fact that we're all growing up but we're all growing up together. You are simply amazing ash. You have no idea what a fantastic ride it is to be your friend and have your friendship in return. You listen well, laugh well and live even better. way to live powwow princess.

12:54 PM  

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