Thursday, January 12, 2006

In the words of Shakespeare...

For my Shakespeare class I am reading the play Cymbeline, a tragi-comedy. It is highly entertaining because, as my professor put it, it's like "reading a soap opera!" In spite of the "soap-opera" characteristics invoked in the play, a few lines resonated with me and I am going to apply them in a Christian context (not what Shakespeare intended).

"How hard it is to hide the sparks of Nature!
These boys know little they are the sons to th' king,"
Act 3. Scene 3. Lines 79-80

In this quote, a banished Lord (who stole the King of Britain's 2 sons at birth) realizes as he observes his two "sons," that though they have no idea they are royalty, something about their actions, who they are, spells integrity, breeds royalty.

If you haven't noticed already, I'm hinting toward the idea, in a Christian application, that in a similar way are we, God's creatures, so completely unaware (until we become Christians) that we were born/created of God. Since we are created in God's image, though we are fallen, it is still hard to "hide the sparks of Nature." If only we saw everybody through such eyes. That we are sons (and daughters) to the King!


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