Saturday, January 21, 2006

Next stop, divorce court?

Wow. When I saw that eye-catching title today on my MSN Webpage, something fierce rose up in my heart. MSN showed a picture of a married couple in bed sleeping with about 2 feet in between them, the man and woman facing away from each other. Phrases underneath the caption said "He's out of work, she's out of patience", and "Tom does absolutely nothing," as incentives for divorce.

Granted, I did not read the article, and I also do believe that divorce is an option biblically valid only in certain circumstances: marital unfaithfulness and, I believe, some cases of abuse are legit too. I also know that sometimes matters of one partner being a Christian and/or becoming a Christian can lead to divorce too. Otherwise, death is the only thing that naturally can separate a man and woman once they have committed in marriage, a Christian man and a Christian woman.

The fierceness that rose up in me today says, "Jobs, finances, loss, birth, death, etc...all of these things happen in life. But the covenant of marriage is not an option!!! Marriage is not about selfish love, it is about self-sacrificial love." Maybe I should not be addressing people in general, but addressing Christians, God's people, the ones who are supposed to look different than the world and to live by the standards of the Bible. Do you agree or disagree?

I'm not speaking in a way that is intending to be condemning, but it is just sad to see, frustrating to see. God uses marriage as the one example by which he shows the covenant with his people that he has made, and sometimes we just dash marriage away like it's an ant to be squashed once we have tired of him living in our jar.

God is always merciful and just, loving and forgiving. But marriage, He intended it. It's sacred. It's committed. It's sacrificial. It's intended to resemble God's relationship with us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with you, ofcourse. but i do know that we need to be careful with holding non-christians to the same standard as christians. it's easy to expect non-christians to not get drunk, not adulterate, not swear, etc, but they have not committed to the same standards as christians have. those of us who experience salvation should be strongly held to the standards you spoke of. unfortunately, so many christians do not take action on those standards. they just talk about it. talk is cheap, let's be honest.

6:45 PM  
Blogger Ash said...

I definitely agree about the holding non-Christians to the same standard as Christians.

But I also know what it's like to be a non-Christian, and non-Christians have morals too. Of course you know that, I am not saying this against you, Dulc. Just in general. It's still frustrating to see anybody, Christian or non, make light of the covenant of marriage.

12:07 AM  

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