Sunday, January 14, 2007

Something's wrong with my face...

It's true.

I woke up this morning, stumbled into the bathroom to take a shower, and looked in the mirror.

The hair was crazy, but that's usual. I needed to brush the teeth, but that's usual too. However, I took out my contact case so I could put in my eyes, when all of a sudden, "WHOA!" I said out loud.

My right eye is swollen and a light purple color. Not expecting that.

You know, the eye is a very sensitive area, and even a little bang to the eye can cause inflamation!

So, I stayed home instead of going to church. I cleaned my apartment, which was a must. However, something in me laughs and cringes at my own vanity! I was embarassed because my eye was so slanted and weird looking. Not just purple.

That's my story for the day. I hope you're entertained. I was. :)


Blogger Tania said...

Hmmm . . . Reminds me of myself. I slammed my finger in a car door yesterday. I didn't cry so much because I was in pain, but I cried because now my nails, which I'm quite fond of, have been tainted by my blackened (or rather purpled) thumb. What's wrong with me?

3:21 PM  
Blogger Dulcinator said...

lucky you, T. fingernail polish is IN again! :)

11:25 AM  
Blogger K*Star said...

I once had a stye on my eye and my eyelid was all red/pinkish, so I found matching eye powder and did my other eye to look like it...I think it looked worse that way.

12:42 PM  

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