Entering another season
No, spring is not coming super early this year. It is still the dead of winter. Though the days are getting longer...and the sun shines its beautiful face frequently here in Colorado.
But a new season of my life started 2 days ago. Usually I understand the seasons as they arise in my life, but this season has me completely mystified. I do not know what is in store, though one thing I DO know is that I am setting my heart and eyes on what is above. Something has changed in me. I don't know what exactly, but I can feel it. Perhaps I can try to put it to words. I now fully, or at least more fully than ever before, recognize the dire necessity of Jesus Christ on this earth, and more specifically, in my life.
It's not that I had turned from the Lord, it was that I was not doing anything in the Lord. Almost worse. Reality opened my eyes, or rather the Holy Spirit did, to the spiritual battle around me. And to just what "unconditional love" really means.
I didn't get "saved" again. I already am saved. But I am so thankful that we can have "God moments," if you will, after we're saved. We can see the light again, in profound times of meeting with our Comforter.
"Walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the desires of the flesh."
This new season, I'm afraid, will be a very alone one. But very good, if I remain faithful. I will trust the Lord. Not, I want to. I will.
I'm interested to see where the big man leads you. I'm here to fulfill Hebrews 3:13 even though I'm not amazing at it.
wow. i had no idea. i would love to hear about it. i think we have had maybe one good conversation in the last month. wow. it's been too long, ash. i miss you.
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