Friday, December 08, 2006

Ooh...that was fun!

What a good week. You know what? It was a blessed week of not using my computer for anything other than my work purposes (computers are essential nowadays for any kind of career). The computer can be a stumbling block for me (just as I know anything that I obsess over can be). I tend to spend time on it that is unnecessary and really, just a waste of breath. As a friend said recently, even small things in our lives can become idols. An idol is simply something that takes the place of God. Whether or not it's a little statue called Budha, an online obsession, pornography, weight-obsession, etc. Not that checking my email is bad or sinful! I just don't want to be one who checks my email 50 times a day! :) Same way that I don't want to check my weight 50 times a day, or wash my hands 50 times a day! Make sense?

I like it that I was called "unintelligent" on my blog by someone who had to post as anonymous. That's awesome. :) Thank you. :)

Anyways, at work this week it was better than any other week (not necessarily because I didn't use my computer). I engaged in a few very meaningful conversations with co-workers, was able to encourage some students, and I joined a kick-boxing class! That was rad. I am so sore it isn't funny. Did you know that you have muscles in your neck...and you can make them sore? Wow.

On another note. My heart broke twice today.

Once. A child who is 6 years old was pulled out of school last night because the mom ran away from home. She is a meth addict. Her child was doing the best out of all of the peers in class. I hate to see such events happen to these innocent children! And the desperation that this mother must be Lord help them.

Twice. Another child expressed fear in class to a teacher that the father would come to school with a shotgun looking for him/her. The father beats the mother, and the family is going to go into hiding from the father. So this child won't be back in school on Monday either.

There is so much more to this life than what we so ignorantly and repeatedly tell ourselves. If I am unable to "fast" from the internet for a week, or a month, what is wrong there? In reality, people are hurting all around. Children in school. Roommates. Family members. Jesus Christ died to set the captives free, but what if his people are too busy with other things? I think that's what happened with the Israelites before they wandered around for 40 years. They were too busy with their own idols. All I'm saying is that we should be able to forfeit those things, if it came down to it. Can you? Can I? And please don't be ridiculous and assume that I am suggesting that the internet in and of itself is wrong. This week I wanted to learn a little more about how I hold some little treasures close to my heart that aren't really treasures.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should fast from your faith. It's a stumbling block for you also, apparently.

5:45 PM  
Blogger Tania said...

How are people so rude?

Regardless, I'm glad to hear that it was a success.

I'm also saddened a bit by your news. I don't know what to say. How can we help in those situations?

8:10 PM  
Blogger Dulcinator said...

um, yep. that's not cool.

well, what you said is cool. waht that guy said is NOT cool. i dont think that i would want to be so judgmental, especially of someone that i did not know.

is the boy whose mother ran away going to be placed in foster care or is dad stable and clean from drugs? how old is he? i worry for him because he is quite likely the older he gets being around a mom like that to begin using.

also, the kid who's afraid of their dad and is going into hiding with the family...are they going to live in a shelter or does anyone know? so scary. there are some terrible people out there. it has been eye-opening working at the agency for my internship because i deal directly with clients that are enduring those sorts of things. yikes. no good! i think that i want to help by assisting to transform one life at a time to prevent such violence and terror. what do you think?

10:24 PM  

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