the one
What if the survival of the entire world rested in your own hands? I mean, quite literally, if all of mankind would fall under the shadow of an evil, tyrranous rule if you did not fight and WIN against that force? And though you may not be alone in your fight, you specifically were "the one" who could or could not defeat the evil powers that be. That there was no other 'one.' Jjust you.
It reminds me of The Matrix, how Neo was 'the one' and only one who could save the world from the evil of the system and the agents in the system. It reminds me of the book I just finished, Phantom, and how Richard is the only 'one' who can save the world from falling under the life-sucking power of the Order. I'm sure you can think of many more examples.
But my question is: What is our fascination with this concept of 'the one'? Why are we drawn to, fascinated by, and convinced of this idea that there is just 'one' person who can save the world?
I don't know about you, but I, personally, love reading stories and imagining stories like this. I always find myself apart of that story, helping to fight the enemy. But I noticed one thing. I am never 'the one.'
In all my childlike imaginings, I may like 'the one', I may have a crush on 'the one', I may envy 'the one,' or wish that I was brave enough to be 'the one,' but in reality, I always feel the most purpose when I know the one, believe in him, and fight with him.
It's ironic just how stone-cold obvious some things are once you think about it, isn't it?
interesting to see that the world maintains the theme of ONE savior. it's like all of creation knows it deep within their nature, whether or not they acknowledge it or acknowledge Jesus as savior.
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