Monday, August 28, 2006


So I have build-up. I may be getting an ear infection. It's funny (and yet not), but for the first time in my life, I realized how VERY much I value my hearing. Because, literally, I canNOT hear out of my left ear. It is annoying to the extreme. Today in McDonald's some guys were sitting at a table to my left and they seemed a little friendly at first, but I felt completely cut off from the world--I knew they were talking, but all I heard were little warbles of sound, which I heard through my right ear. Sigh.

A little test of patience. I wake up and I am furious that my ear is plugged. I can hardly hear anything to the left of me unless it is loud enough to hear out of my other ear. I keep having to say "what?" even MORE now (some may laugh at seems I ask "what?" frequently. I tend to disagree, until now, that is. ;) ).

Oh, and we got some hot pics of Kassi, Julie, and I with those ear candles on fire, sticking out of our ears. I'll try to get pics of that up. It looked like we were trying to do some weird drugs.

All that to say, when you can't hear, you tend not only to feel cut off from other people, but you tend to cut yourself off from other people because you can't really interact. Through my very small, pitiful experience, I have more appreciation for deaf/hearing impaired people. I'm going to take better care of my ears from now on.

And yes, this is a semi-gross subject...probably especially to my dad, who can handle other gross things but for some reason, gags out over earwax. :)


Blogger Tania said...

he he he

2:07 AM  

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