Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Why do we fear?

Do you know? Why do we fear?

Honestly, I do not know the answer to "why do we fear?".

I do know that it all has to come down to the fall, because anything that is not good is not of the Lord. The only type of fear we should have is fear of the Lord, fear of the one who has power--power to accept or reject, power not only to kill our bodies but to throw out our souls too. Praise God that our Lord is a good and loving God. Imagine if He wasn't and that He still had such power.

Anyways, I'm getting off topic. Okay. So fear comes down to the fall. Well, then Adam and Eve must have been the first ones to fear. Eve must have feared first because she first ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That is where fear started, with a knowledge of good and evil. So, now that we live thousands and thousands of years into the fall, and fear seems that much more complex, I still don't know why we fear. I guess it doesn't really matter WHY we fear. But it is essential, for freedom's sake, that we have a relationship with Christ to conquer fear with truth. then fear stems from lies. But the truth destroys, decimates, eradicates lies. In order to defeat fear, then, we must know the truth, take up the Word of Truth, read and breathe it into our minds and our hearts.

Maybe that is the answer to my question. We fear because we believe lies.


Blogger Prince Phillip said...

Why do we believe lies?

9:09 PM  
Blogger Prince Phillip said...

(especially when we know they're lies)

9:10 PM  
Blogger Ash said...

I think that sometimes we don't know what the lie is. Lies are hard to identity...that's why Satan is so cunning...he has all the time in the world to slowly ingrain lies into our heads and hearts. But he doesn't get all the credit, our sinfulness often causes us to cling to darkness rather than the purging blindness of the light. And still, we are left uncertain of what the lie is. That's where the intervention of the Holy Spirit reveals the truth to us.

12:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree. we so often allow lies to slip in and eventually permeate our lives until we believe them to be truths. but what really does allow truth to come in is the holy spirit like you said.

1:16 PM  

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