A few rambling thoughts
1. I dropped my mom at the airport about 2 hours ago--we had a great weekend. A lot of talking, walking, and shopping! Whoohoo. Seriously, I have discovered that your parents went through hard things when you're little that you didn't even know about. I asked my mom all about her early marriage years and early kids years--a time that I don't remember because I was too young. It was an amazing testimony the things her and my dad went through and stayed faithful to each other through. After we talked about it and about my dad for a while, my mom kind of giggled (which my mom does NOT giggle) and she said she wanted to call my dad. It was cute. :) They talked for a while. They've been married for 22 years. That is incredible. Dang...that's a long time!
2. The ride home (to Brush) was beautiful, but I felt "lonelier" than I have yet felt during my entire stay. Seriously, for about an hour and a half, I did not want to face another month and a half of being away. I didn't think I could. Of course, I have to...no choice in the matter. But thankfully I got back to my apartment, balanced my checkbook, took a hot bubblebath, and read for a while. I can only make it with Christ. There's so much to look forward to in tomorrow.
3. I miss my friends and family, I really do. But honestly there's just one person it's hard to live without, even though I've done it for the last 22 years. Man, yeah, I'm a cheeseball all melty and gooey over him! And it just gets worse/stronger each day. (I don't even know if you [the reader] want to hear about it, but this is MY blog so I can write about what I want to! Read on only if you can handle mushyness) I could live a year without seeing my family or friends in person and be okay (not necessarily happy about it, but okay), but I never want to live a year without him. I know, I know, "it's building character." And yes, it is. But can't I be girly, or feminine, or HUMAN and not want to be without him? I know I can make it without him (because I am) but I no longer want to. Yes, that is the truth of the matter...in a blogged-out sort of way.
4. I love my job here. I love working with kids. And quite possibly, future-speaking, I may love working with special needs children. I want to be used of the Lord in this little town in this short time I am here.
5. I'm drinking cold milk and wearing a new pair of navy blue sweats that I bought at the Tall Girl store in Denver. Julz--you would like this store. Wait...No. You would LOVE it.
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