To be or not to be...
I just woke up on this sunny, cold October day, and I thought I'd share some thoughts with you.
1. I need to take a shower.
2. I hope it snows soon.
3. Loneliness. What is that? I mean, rather, WHY is that? Why do we feel loneliness at times, especially when we're surrounded by 6 billion people in this grand world around us, and why is it so incapacitating? I've been talking to some of my close friends who are going through hard times right now. Hard times of loneliness, or frustration, or confusion...etc etc etc. Loneliness doesn't just occur when you're by yourself. Because at least at this moment, right now, I am by myself but not lonely. Whereas others may be with people and still lonely. Why do we so deeply long for others? For another person to share our life with? Why do we need people to care about us? Why. Why. Why. I don't know other than the fact that when nobody cares about ME, I go crazy. I would go crazy. Even though I have the Lord. We are not meant for a lonely existence but a sharing existence.
If you haven't taken the time to care for someone around you, do it today. Sometimes, I do a better job of loving strangers than the people closest to me, people that I love the most. That shouldn't be.
you do a good job of loving me at least. thanks. :)
i think i feel loneliest when i am lonely in a crowd of people. not when i am lonely all alone. it's as if even if i stood up on a table and shouted, i am lonely, that those people in the crowd would just shrug their shoulders and say, that's life.
but true community i think is pretty void of loneliness because if we are demonstrating the body of christ as he wants it, we are reaching out consistently to those we love, praying for them and with them, and they are not having a chance to feel lonely.
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