Monday, January 30, 2006


I love Jesus. I love the fact that He is our Maker, the lover of our souls. One of the biggest facts that proves His love is the fact that He waits and has waited and will wait for us. He didn't ask us if we wanted him to wait, and He didn't wait for us to want him to wait. He waits patiently for His children, for people to come to Him, for their hearts to change as His Spirit draws them. He counted the cost, knowing that some will come, some will change, and some won't. He paid the ultimate cost by dying and defeating death, but then He also waits. He draws. He loves.

As His Word says, "Love is patient, [...] it hopes all things." God is love. He is patient, and though He is all-knowing, He also desires that none should perish but that all should come to repentance.

If I was God, I would not be able to pay that cost. I could not wait. Knowing that some would not come? Wow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ashley, you found a great way to verbalize the discussion that we had earlier today! Thanks so much for sharing part of your journey with all of us.

I agree that I would not have the same amount of patience and grace as God does. Yet, I am so thankful that He is God and I am not. What an amazing blessing!

4:48 PM  

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